Category : Science

Science news in Haiku

Antibiotic Resistance Cells growing stronger Ineffective medicine New tactics emerge Physical Activity Hated school P.E.? There’s a reason you did it Now you’re good at math Introverts Quiet time is bliss Let others sort themselves out Will lead from behind Flies Buzzz right in my ear Messy face in all the waste You have made me ill Super-recognition Nose wiggles slightly Imprint formed deep in the mind Face I’ll not forget

Inconsistent nutrition labelling

A few weeks ago, I was at the supermarket and decided to buy a different cut of meat. As I pay attention to my caloric intake, naturally I checked the nutrition information on the back. I noticed something odd… This is the labelling for the chicken breasts I regularly buy. It’s quite clear, and gives values per 100g to allow for easy cross-comparison between foods. However, this is the labelling for chicken thighs. Notice anything different? This gives you the […]

Useful LaTeX packages for writing papers

LaTeX is amazing for producing beautifully typeset documents. However, it can also be a bit of a clunky pain in the backside. Granted, much of that pain comes from tables, but there are other niggles here and there that can make your life a bit miserable. Hopefully, a CSS + HTML based solution may take over as a more modern and efficient markup language for typesetting in future. For now though, here are a few LaTeX packages I use frequently. […]

Understanding Selection Bias

Measuring the effect of an intervention, or ‘treatment’, is essential to the scientific method. It helps us to separate real relationships from spurious ones. But there are some pitfalls that cloud our ability to see the true effects of a treatment. Let’s try to understand these pitfalls using an explicit example. Suppose that we want to test the impact of a new fangled weight loss pill that has been released in only one town. The pill was only available at […]

Why does scientific interest die?

Earlier in the summer, I decided to visit the Science Museum in London – one of my favourite destinations as a kid, but one that I had not been to in some time. I’ve always been curious about the world and the universe, and so the museum serves as a fix for my addiction. Apart from taking in information served to me by curators, I also began to observe the demographics of the other museum-goers around me. It didn’t take […]

Cereal Nutrition

Yum. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. And hopefully, you should all know by now that skipping it is not a good idea. Breakfast cereals are big business – other than toast, cereals are by far the most common way to start the day. But how nutritious are these cereals? I decided to find out. I managed to collect nutritional information for 117 of the major branded cereals in the UK. After whacking them into a great big […]